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Project Details

The main goal of the project is the development and implementation of various educational campaigns to raise awareness regarding resource management, waste recycling and the circular economy among diverse educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie (including 12 schools and 7 kindergartens) and among the general public.

To realize the main goal, 4 specific goals have been defined:

Specific purpose 1: To develop 16 different programs regarding the circular economy and waste recycling, in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 13 / 21.09.2016 of the Ministry of Education and Culture and to conduct educational campaigns on the developed programs in 6 educational institutions in total in municipality of Pomorie;

Specific purpose 2: To develop 17 different campaigns to raise awareness regarding the circular economy and waste recycling, of which 16 will target learners in various educational institutions (including schools and kindergartens) and 1 will target the general public;

Specific purpose 3: To implement 3 different promotional and demonstration initiatives in support of recycling and reuse of waste among 19 different educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie, incl. 12 schools and 7 kindergartens;

Specific purpose 4: To transfer good practices for educational campaigns regarding the circular economy and recycling in various educational institutions, incl. to exchange knowledge and, if possible, apply good practices from Norwegian schools in Bulgarian educational institutions through the project partner - International Development, Norway.
For the realization of the main and specific goals, 6 project activities are planned:

Activity 1: Project Management;

Expected result: Provision of timely and effective project management, consisting of organizational-administrative, financial and technical management.

Activity 2: Ensuring project publicity;

Expected result: Provision of clear and complete information about the project to the widest possible audience at national, regional and local level.

Specific measurable results:
  • 2 held informational meetings;
  • 1 created project website;
  • 15 placed stickers marking the assets purchased under the project;
  • 3 placed signs and 3 placed posters of the premises where the assets are installed and where the documentation is kept;
  • 4 realized publications
  • 500 brochures printed and distributed at the regional and local level with information about the project, its activities and the results of its implementation.
Activity 3: Development of programs and implementation of educational campaigns on them regarding circular economy and waste recycling in various educational institutions on the territory of Pomorie municipality;

Expected result: The implementation of the activity will directly lead to the achievement of specific purpose 1.

Specific measurable results:
  • 1 formed Team for conducting educational campaigns;
  • 1 conducted preliminary research and assessment of knowledge and skills regarding the circular economy and waste recycling;
  • 3 equipped offices for conducting educational campaigns;
  • A minimum of 20 trained teachers by conducting 16 trainings for the implementation of educational campaigns;
  • 48 conducted educational campaigns in 6 different educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie for 8 educational campaigns.
Activity 4: Development and implementation of campaigns to raise awareness regarding the circular economy and waste recycling in various educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie and among the general public;

Expected result: Activities and measures will ensure the reduction and prevention of adverse effects on human health and the environment through awareness and prevention.

Specific measurable results:
  • 1710 distributed branded advertising materials;
  • 1141 distributed advertising materials;
  • 8 produced short films and 8 trailers for them;
  • 16 TV broadcasts of the trailers;
  • 16 placed banners;
  • 8 publications in electronic media;
  • Minimum 10 posts in social networks.
Activity 5: Conducting promotional and demonstration initiatives in support of recycling and reuse of waste in various educational institutions on the territory of Pomorie municipality;

Specific measurable results:
  • 114 placed containers for separate collection of different types of waste;
  • 1 held eco-tournament between educational institutions;
  • 2 conducted student promotional-demonstration excursions for a total of 80 students.
Activity 6: Transfer of good practices for educational campaigns about the circular economy and recycling in various educational institutions on the territory of Pomorie municipality.

Specific measurable results:
  • 1 two-day seminar held in Pomorie on resource management, waste recycling and circular economy in various educational institutions;
  • At least 20 teachers from different educational institutions from the municipality of Pomorie have acquired knowledge about studying circular economy in the Norwegian educational system and have learned good practices from Norwegian schools;
  • 3 examples of good practices from Norwegian schools were exchanged with various educational institutions from Bulgaria;
  • 1 "Circular Economy" classroom conducted.