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A final information meeting was held on the project "The next generations in the municipality of Pomorie - more responsible in the use of resources and involved in the transformation to a circular economy through educational, informative and pro

On 17.04.2024, in the "Dechko Stoev" GHG - the city of Pomorie, a final information meeting was held on the Project "The next generations in the municipality of Pomorie - more responsible in the use of resources and involved in the transformation to a circular economy through educational, informative and promotional and demonstration measures", Contract No. BGENVIRONMENT-3.001.0012-C01 / 25.07.2022, financed under the Program "Environmental Protection and Climate Change", FM of the EEA 2014-2021. The beneficiary is "Hristo Botev" Primary School, Bata village, in partnership with: International Development Norway AS, "St. Paisii Hilendarski" Primary School, Kableshkovo town and "Srebarno Zvanche" Kindergarten, Stratsin village.

The final information meeting on the project was held with the participation of 27 representatives of the interested parties and media presence.
Mrs. Petya Stoyanova - director of "Hristo Botev" Primary School - Bata village presented information about the project, the contribution of the FM of the EEA 2014-2021 to its implementation, under the "Environmental Protection and Climate Change" Program, the achieved achievements and results , including the successful cooperation between the partners.

The implemented six project activities were presented:
Activity 1: Project Management
Timely and effective project management consisting of organizational-administrative, financial and technical management is provided.
Activity 2: Publicizing the project
The role of the FM of the EEA has been emphasized through the implementation of various information and publicity measures and communication channels. Clear and complete information about the project has been provided to the widest possible audience at national, regional and local level.

Specific results:
• 2 held informational meetings - 1 meeting at the beginning and 1 meeting at the end of the project, with the participation of interested parties and media presence;
• created project website -;
• 15 placed stickers marking the assets purchased under the project;
• placed 3 signs and 3 posters at the entrances to the premises where the assets are installed and where the documentation is kept;
• 4 realized publications - of which 2 in print and 2 in electronic media;
Specific results:
• 2 held informational meetings - 1 meeting at the beginning and 1 meeting at the end of the project, with the participation of interested parties and media presence;
• created project website -;
• 15 placed stickers marking the assets purchased under the project;
• placed 3 signs and 3 posters at the entrances to the premises where the assets are installed and where the documentation is kept;
• 4 realized publications - of which 2 in print and 2 in electronic media;
• 500 brochures printed and distributed at the regional and local level with information about the project, its activities and the results of its implementation;
• materials created within the project are promoted on the YouTube channel of the "Hristo Botev" Primary School - Bata village - YouTube.
Activity 3: Development of programs and implementation of educational campaigns on them regarding circular economy and waste recycling in various educational institutions on the territory of the municipality of Pomorie
Specific results:
• formed an 8-member team for conducting educational campaigns, including teachers from three educational institutions in general. Pomorie: "Hristo Botev" Primary School - Bata village, "St. Paisiy Hilendarski" - town of Kableshkovo and Kindergarten "Silver Bell" - village of Stratsin;
• a preliminary study and assessment of the knowledge and skills regarding the circular economy and waste recycling of pre-school children and primary and junior high school students at the basic educational level in educational institutions on the territory of the municipality of Pomorie based on quantitative and qualitative analyses;
• developed 16 different programs regarding the circular economy and waste recycling, of which 8 aimed at students in primary and primary schools and 8 aimed at children in pre-school education in kindergartens. Thematically, the programs are differentiated into 8 directions regarding the circular economy and waste recycling:

- 1. Plastics;
- 2. Glass;
- 3. Paper and cardboard;
- 4. Textile;
- 5. Metals and alloys;
- 6. Unusable batteries and accumulators, with an emphasis on batteries;
- 7. Biodegradable waste (for composting);
- 8. Circular economy in the context of enterprises (private sector).
• purchased technical means and equipped 1 office each for conducting educational campaigns in three educational institutions in the municipality. Pomorie: "Hristo Botev" Primary School - Bata village, "St. Paisiy Hilendarski" - town of Kableshkovo, Kindergarten "Silver Bell" - village of Stratsin;
• 23 trained teachers from educational institutions from the municipality. Pomorie by conducting 16 trainings for the implementation of the educational campaigns on the programs developed under the project regarding the circular economy and waste recycling;
• 48 educational campaigns held in the following 6 different educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie: "Hristo Botev" elementary school, Bata village, "St. "Hristo Botev", town of Pomorie, OU "Otets Paisiy", village of Stratsin, Kindergarten "Radost", town of Kableshkovo.
Activity 4: Development and implementation of campaigns to raise awareness regarding the circular economy and waste recycling in various educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie and among the general public
Activities and measures ensuring the reduction and prevention of adverse effects on human health and the environment through awareness and prevention have been implemented.
Specific results:
• 1,710 branded advertising materials (T-shirts, hats and backpacks) and 1,141 informational materials (educational children's eco-books and informational books "Encyclopedia of Waste and Recycling"), distributed among children and students from educational institutions from the municipality. Pomorie;
• 1,710 branded advertising materials (T-shirts, hats and backpacks) and 1,141 informational materials (educational children's eco-books and informational books "Encyclopedia of Waste and Recycling"), distributed among children and students from educational institutions from the municipality. Pomorie;
• 8 produced short films and 8 trailers for them with content relevant to each of the 8 thematic areas regarding the circular economy and waste recycling;
• 16 pcs. TV broadcasts of the trailers;
• 16 pcs. placed the banner;
• 8 pcs. articles published in electronic media;
• 10 posts in social networks.
Activity 5: Conducting promotional and demonstration initiatives in support of recycling and reuse of waste in various educational institutions on the territory of the municipality of Pomorie
19 different educational institutions on the territory of the municipality of Pomorie, including 12 schools and 7 kindergartens, have implemented various promotional and demonstration initiatives in support of recycling and reuse of waste.
Specific results:
- 114 containers for separate collection of different types of waste, placed in 19 different educational institutions in general. Pomorie, including 12 schools and 7 kindergartens. The activity involves placing in each educational institution 1 set including 6 types of containers: for batteries, for plastic and metal, for paper and cardboard, for glass, a composter and 1 set of 4 pcs. combined bins for separate collection of packages;
- held an eco-tournament with the participation of children and students from all educational institutions on the territory of Pomorie municipality, including various types of eco-competitions, in 3 categories according to the age group of the participants: 5-7 years; 8-10 years and 11-14 years and in 8 categories according to the type of waste in the 8 thematic directions;
- 2 student promotional-demonstration excursions conducted for a total of 80 students from "Hristo Botev" Primary School, Bata village and from "St. P. Hilendarski", Kableshkovo, aimed at acquiring practical knowledge about recycling, reuse of waste and the circular economy.
• Activity 6: Transfer of good practices for educational campaigns about the circular economy and recycling in various educational institutions on the territory of Pomorie municipality
The activity was carried out with the active participation of the Norwegian partner - International Development, Norway.
Specific results:
- 1 two-day seminar held in Pomorie on resource management, waste recycling and circular economy in various educational institutions;
- 23 teachers from different educational institutions from the municipality of Pomorie have acquired knowledge about the national policies for studying circular economy in the Norwegian educational system and have learned good practices from Norwegian schools;
- 3 examples of good practices from Norwegian schools were exchanged with various educational institutions in Pomorie Municipality;
- 1 conducted "Circular Economy" classroom.
Mrs. Petya Stoyanova - director of "Hristo Botev" elementary school - village of Bata expressed confidence that the implemented project has fulfilled its main goal, namely - development and implementation of the planned educational campaigns for raising awareness regarding the management of resources, waste recycling and the circular economy. Children, students and teachers from all educational institutions in the municipality participated in the project activities. Pomorie, including 12 schools and 7 kindergartens. Some of the measures in the implemented campaigns are aimed at the general public.
The experience shared by the experts from the Norwegian partner - International Development, Norway during the two-day seminar on the transfer of good practices attracted the interest of the participating teachers from various educational institutions in the municipality of Pomorie. The knowledge gained about the national policies for learning circular economy in the Norwegian education system and the presented good practices from Norwegian schools build on and complement the experience of the teachers involved in the workshop and will be used in their future work with students on topics related to resource management , waste recycling and circular economy.
The implemented project creates sustainable results that will be multiplied and built upon in the future.